Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Birth of Social Media Essay - 888 Words

Social media: (noun pl but singular or pl in constr) forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Social media has developed to allow for information to be shared instantaneously: image and video sharing, spontaneous group get-togethers, and worldwide, real time news announcements are sent through time and space with the click of a button, and can spread like wildfire. In the following pages we will discuss several aspects of social media and how it affects our culture. Issues such as how social media is changing the way people communicate, positive and negative effects of†¦show more content†¦The emergence of interacting socially through the use of the Internet began with Email. The information contained in an Email message has the ability to be delivered instantly to one or many, as well as forwarded to other recipients with the click of the mouse. This enables widespread, viral like interactions to cross the plane of space and time, and impact society and culture on a global scale. Email continues to be the largest social network online today. (Owyang, 2014) We use Email for everything from business correspondences, to sharing photos and videos. Most Americans have at least one email address; in fact, the average number of email accounts per person is 3.1. ( Different uses of Email can require different email addresse s. For example: one for work, one personal, and one for SPAM (also known as Internet junk mail.) It seems however that using Email to connect to the people we know has its limitations; we need to know who the people actually are in order to contact them, please allow me to introduce American Online. America Online (AOL) brought together people who subscribed to the AOL service with other like-minded individuals. AOL features included Internet searching, Chat rooms where groups of people could all talk about the same subject, and Instant Messaging. The idea of being able to connect with someone miles away, who you don’t know personally, was both novel and ingenious. Instant Messaging can be credited withShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Social Media On Teen Pregnancy Essay1400 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of Social Media on Teen Pregnancy Does social media impact teenagers in a positive or negative manner? With the advent of social media, it is unclear what to expect from it and the influence it brings to the society. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are impacting the lives of the youth greatly. 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