Wednesday, May 6, 2020

`` Let Me Live, Love, And Say It Well Good Sentences ``...

â€Å"Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences† (Plath). Sylvia Plath is a confessional poet who is often the subject of her poetry. Throughout the majority of her life Sylvia Plath simply wished to live an ordinary life. However, Plath endured many tragedies during her life that influenced her stylistic approach to poetry; often based off her emotions. In her poems, Plath acquires her central source of influence from her personal life and employs a variety of techniques to brand her message into her reader’s head, through intense language and controversial use of literary techniques. Born on October 27, 1932 in a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, Sylvia Plath was a famous poet, novelist, and writer. Publishing her first poem in the Boston Herald’s children section, at the age of eight, Plath showed an early interest in poetry. Subsequent to her father’s death, Sylvia Plath’s family moved to Wellesley, Massachusetts, where she continued the duration of her scholastic experience until college. Sylvia Plath could be described as an exemplary daughter and star student who earned straight A’s throughout her high school career. By 1950, Sylvia Plath had won â€Å"The Scholastic Art Writing Award†, published her first story â€Å"And Summer Will Not Come Again†, written over 50 short stories, and had been published in a few magazines. Plath’s impeccable academic records and achievements won her a scholarship at Smith college in Northampton Massachusetts. As expected Plath alsoShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Adve ntures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain Essay1492 Words   |  6 PagesHow to Be a Hypocrite for Dummies INTRODUCTION: Quote/Lead: Look at â€Å"Post-It† notes. Don’t forget to cite! (1-3 sentences) – William Shakespeare once said, â€Å"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another†. 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